Transforming the lives of children, young people and families across the city of Sunderland

We are a membership organisation committed to building a sustainable future for youth work services in Sunderland.

Support our mission

We’re looking for organisations, funders and partners that share in our passion to transform the lives of children and young people in Sunderland as well as create a sustainable future for youth work in our city. If that’s you, and you’d like to find out more about the consortium, get in touch today to see how you can help.

The Consortium is made up of nine youth work organisations, all of whom share one common goal; To transform the lives of young people across the city of Sunderland and to create a strong, sustainable future for youth work services.

Our member experience and geographical reach mean we’re able to provide a broader city-wide service for children, young people and families in Sunderland.

More info

Our members

City-wide reach
100 jobs created
70 Skilled youth workers

Projects supporting children and young people in Sunderland

The Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) Programme


Sinde the inception of the Department for Education holiday activity programme in 2019, the consortium has worked collaboratively to deliver a range of activities across the city of Sunderland.

Area Based Work


As a consortium, we extend our efforts beyond individual projects to address area-specific needs where gaps in youth work provision have been identified.

City Centre Detached


In the summer of 2022, we initiated a pilot project to evaluate the effectiveness of detached youth work in Sunderland's city centre.